Download free South Carolina fight song ringtones and cheers for your iPhone.
Get South Carolina ringtones downloaded to your cellphone online. Download free ringtones of live performances of the USC band, the Mighty Sound of the Southeast.
Get the Fighting Gamecocks Lead the Way download for your iPod, iPhone or phone.
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South Carolina Fight Song
The Fighting Gamecocks Lead the Way
Hey, Let’s give a cheer, Carolina is here,
The Fighting Gamecocks lead the way.
Who gives a care, If the going gets tough,
And when it is rough, that’s when the ‘Cocks get going.
Hail to our colors of garnet and Black,
In Carolina pride have we.
So, Go Gamecocks Go – FIGHT!
Drive for the goal – FIGHT!
USC will win today – GO COCKS!
So, let’s give a cheer, Carolina is here.
The Fighting Gamecocks All The Way!
University of South Carolina Alma Mater
We hail thee, Carolina, and sing thy high praise
With loyal devotion, remembering the days
When proudly we sought thee, thy children to be:
Here’s a health, Carolina, forever to thee!
Since pilgrims of learning, we entered thy walls
And found dearest comrades in thy classic halls
We’ve honored and loved thee as sons faithfully;
Here’s a health, Carolina, forever to thee!
Generations of sons have rejoiced to proclaim
Thy watchword of service, thy beauty and fame;
For ages to come shall their rallying cry be:
Here’s a health, Carolina, forever to thee!
Fair shrine of high honor and truth, thou shalt still
Blaze forth as a beacon, thy mission fulfill,
And crowned by all hearts in a new jubilee:
Here’s a health, Carolina, forever to thee!